While vinyl pants are all the rage right now, I can’t help but stay faithful to the classics with a modern yet timeless spin like these cropped black leather pants. For a many of us leather begins and ends with a jacket. Why? Because they’re easy to shop for and you just can’t go wrong. It took me a while to warm up to idea of wearing leather pants, and even longer to find a pair that fit my muscular thighs…damn squats.

But now I can’t believe it took me so long introduce them to my wardrobe. If you’re on the fence, or wondering if leather pants are for you, keep scrolling with my tips on finding and styling them.

There are a couple things to keep in mind when buying leather pants, or any pants in general. The most important is that most of the time pants aren’t going to fit you perfectly off the rack. It sucks, but that’s just how the industry is. With that in mind it’s best to find pants that fit the largest part of your body comfortably and get the rest tailored as needed. You can always get clothes taken it, but not everything can be let out. Which brings me to my next point, keep in mind that you’ll probably have to tailor your pants when it comes to time to decide if you should splurge versus save. Personally I’m all for a good deal so I use apps like Shoptagr to monitor when pieces go on sale.
When it comes to styling leather pants keep your comfort level in mind. If the pants already feel daunting then keep the rest simple like I did when I created this chic spring outfit. I stuck to an all black base with the turtleneck, pants and heels then added a bold statement coat to make it a spring friendly business casual outfit that works perfectly for my creative office. See how else I styled leather pants for work here.

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