Pinterest is the GOAT! GOAT = Greatest of All Time btw. I literally use Pinterest to organize everything. From recipes to work outs and of course outfit inspiration, it’s my virtual mood board. But most of you guys are probably using Pinterest all wrong when it comes to building your wardrobe. You probably scroll, pin an outfit then either try to buy the exact items in the photo or re-create it using what you own. While this isn’t terrible, it’s not going to help you nail down your personal style. At best you’ll be looking like a knock off of someone else, which to be honest isn’t doing you any favors sis. So how do you get out of this cycle? For starters QUIT TRYING TO COPY PEOPLE’S OUTFIT PIECE FOR PIECE. But seriously though, just stop okay? Life is far too short to spend most of it trying to look like someone else. And if you’re honest with yourself whenever you do try to copy their look, you probably just end up disappointed that you don’t look like the person you’re trying to be and feel worse about yourself. I know that’s how I’ve felt before. So instead of looking at each individual outfit to try to recreate it, start looking at your inspiration board as a whole. When you stop being so hyper focused on trying to copy one look you can see the big picture and you’ll actually learn a lot more about your style. And the more you learn about your preferences the better shopper you become. And when you shop smarter, you save money and your style really shines.

What I’m Wearing
Levis Hat (Similar)|Pitaya Jumpsuit(Similar)|Express Purse(Similar)|Lulus Booties (Similar)

For example when you look at my summer outfit board you’ll notice a lot of white, creams, blues and stripes dominating my board. You’ll also see an occasional pop of color, usually in the form of a monochromatic outfit. There’s also a good mix of dresses, jumpsuits and shirts paired with various bottoms . One thing you might not have readily noticed though is that most of the outfits focus on highlighting the waist whether it’s with a high waist pant or waist belt. When you see something on your board repeat enough times it’s safe to say it’s something that you’re really digging and therefore something you should invest in if you don’t already have it. If you notice that a major trend isn’t on there, don’t hurry to add it to your board. Instead take as a sign that it’s something you should skip out on buying. The thing to remember is your board isn’t the end all be all, but it is a great start for when you aren’t quite sure what’s worth investing in for the upcoming season.

Now I want to hear from you! Do you use Pinterest to create outfits? Do you use it to plan your looks top to bottom or is more of a guide to better understanding your style?
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