DIY Woven Cane Storage Cabinet
If you’ve read my loft tour post then you know for the past 4 years I’ve been using two basic white Mainstay cube storage units as a shoe display. What you might not have known is that for those same 4 years I have been searching up and down for a replacement. While the cubes were cute, I needed more space for my shoes. Not just because I keep buying a new pair every season but my sneakers always wound up in a heap by the door that I always ended up stumbling over. I was searching for a piece long enough to take up 6 feet of wall space, with shelve high enough for my ankle boots, but still miraculously inexpensive. Needless to say I found very little that fit the bill but in my searching ran across the Lone Fox’s rattan Ikea cabinet hack which inspired my own DIY!


I’m definitely not Bobette the builder yet this was actually a surprisingly easy DIY looking back at it. Even though I hit a couple of snags with the wood for the door frames being warped, you could easily complete this project in a weekend or two. For the full process check out my tutorial video below!
What you’ll need for your DIY rattan storage cabinet
Walmart Mainstay Cube Storage//Sander//Sandpaper//Cabinet Legs//Leg Holders//Wood Screws//Zinsser Primer//Black Paint (I SW Tricorn Black with Matte Finish)//Wood Glue//Rattan//Staple Gun// Staples//Overlay Hinges//Spray Paint//Bamboo Pulls

If you found this helpful be sure to share it! For those who’ve done this before be sure to leave any useful tips for others in the comments below.
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