H&M Blazer Outfit

Here I am again, in uncharted territories but just like I told you before part of refining your style is to try new things!  The number one cause of a style rut is complacency because you either get too comfortable with your go-to outfits or are too afraid to branch out and try something new.  Most people in this scenario blame the clothes in their closet and rationalize that buying even more clothes will fix it, those people are DEAD WRONG!  Some tricks for avoiding a style rut are:

  1. “Spring Cleaning”.  It doesn’t have to be spring for your to go through your wardrobe and decide what is no longer working for you.  Be objective and harsh, a camera is your best and most honest friend, you want to only keep clothes that you love and make you excited to wear.
  2. Gather Inspiration.  So many people these days are so busy copying what everyone else is doing and quickly lose touch with their personal tastes.  It’s important to learn to differentiate between wanting/wearing something for the sake of fashion and being trendy or because it’s really something that speaks for and about you.  Take some time to gather pictures of what’s really inspiring to you and make a quick mood board, see my how-to video here, to keep your creative juices pumping.
  3. Shop Your Closet.  During a rainy afternoon or after you’ve been really inspired spend time creating and trying on new outfit combinations.  You’ll quickly learn what looks and feels good, make sure you snap a pic of those outfits for future reference!

Feel like you’ve been stuck in a style rut lately?  Make sure you schedule a consultation today and let me help you and your style get back on the right track!

H&M Pink Blazer

Pink Blazer Details

Pink Blazer Outfit

Target Floral Clutch

H&M Blazer

Target Heels

Pink BlazerH&M Blazer (similar here) & Jeans |ASOS Wrap Top (alternate color here)|Target Clutch (similar here)& Heels (similar here)|ALDO Earrings & Rings

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