My friends often ask me how I “do it all” And by do it all they mean work a 9-5, run a blog, attend grad school, make it to the gym and manage to have a social life. Being born into the generation of “you can be/have/do” anything it feels like my life has always been this way. When I look back I was always juggling. In my younger days it was school with sports, clubs and friends. In college it was school, partying, being a part of different organizations and applying for jobs. I also grew up watching my mom juggle her 9-5, marriage, health and social life. So it seems only natural that after college I continued to keep my schedule double booked.
These days it feels like being busy and bragging about how many coffees you’ve consumed to tackle your forever growing to do list is the new currency. And if that’s true, some of us, myself included, are rich af! From the outside my life can look overwhelmingly busy and chaotic but having done it for so long, it’s more of an art mixed with a hint of science. So for my fellow go-getters trying to be/have/do it all I rounded up my top 7 tips on how to balance work and life with everything else.

1. Invest in Planner
Honestly if my Mom’s birthday wasn’t in my calendar I’d forget it. And what I’ve learned is you need to quit trying to rely on your brain to remember every single thing. Especially when you’re trying to do everything! Whether you use your phone or a physical calendar, choose something that you’ll stick with to help you manage everything you have going on.
2. Make a Vision or Goal Board
Thoughts become actions and actions become habit. This is why vision boards and #Goals are such a powerful thing! Spend a rainy afternoon making a board with your work, life and other goals on it then put it somewhere you’ll see it every day as a reminder of why you’re stretching yourself so thin in the first place.
3. Break Your Goals Down into Actionable Items
Once you’ve created your goals break them down into bite size tasks. For example if you want to run a 5k, break it down into walking a 5k first and break that down into walking a certain distance each day. By doing this you can set milestones and celebrate the little victories that are getting you closer to reaching your goals.
4. Create a Reasonable to Do List
I cannot stress the word reasonable here enough. Many of you probably have a list that is a mile long that you KNOW you aren’t going to get through. This means you’re pushing important tasks further and further back until there’s no foresee-able end in sight. Instead pick your top 3 must get done tasks for the day followed by your “really nice to get done” then the “if I have time”. By prioritizing your goals and tasks first you’ll be able to dedicate the proper amount of time to those tasks without setting your goals back.

5. Quit Multi-Tasking
One thing I’ve learned is that we are not as productive when we multi-task as we think we are. While things do get done, they normally don’t get done to the same quality as they would had they been the sole focus. So instead of trying to do a million things at once, focus on one thing at a time. Bonus tip: the amount of time you give yourself to do a task is how long you will take to do it. Meaning if you give yourself a longer time to get a task done you will take that full time versus if you give yourself less time you will find a way to complete the task quicker!
6. Have Some Sort of Routine
Some people think that having a routine is the end of life itself, see my thoughts on that here. In my experience having a routine ensures that I get my important tasks done and actually creates extra time for me to do the other things on my list. The extra bonus is that eventually your routine becomes a habit which you can you use to your advantage. Say for example one of your goals is to get in shape, by making fitness a part of your daily routine eventually going to the gym will be like second nature. So instead of it being something you need to find time to do, it’s just something that you do and then allows you to focus on the next task you’d like to make a habit.
7. Surround Yourself with Other Boss Women
We’ve all heard the phrase “you are the company you keep” and I’ve found this to be more accurate as I get older. When I started surrounding myself with other go-getters it made me hustle even harder. It also gave me a support group because these women knew exactly what I was going through and even offered advice on how I could overcome my obstacles. Honestly there’s nothing like having friends in your corner cheering you on as you work towards your goals.
Now I want to hear from you, what are some of your tips on creating a great work life balance?

What I’m Wearing
Levis Hat (Similar)
ASOS Coat (Similar)
ASOS Jumpsuit (Similar)
Lulus Scarf (Similar)
Forever 21 Purse (Similar)
Forever 21 Shoes (Similar)
Digging my jumpsuit? See how else I’ve styled it here and here!

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