Grand Turk

If you’ve read my earlier posts about my cruise and traveling with a larger group then you’ll know that in order to decide what we should to do with our limited time at each port we decided to take a vote. For Nassau we all wanted to do very different things so we decided it was a free day, check out what excursion I chose to do. Then at Half Moon Cay most of us went on a bike + hike combo tour, we were all supposed to go but one girl waited until the last minute and tried to book on the cruise ship but ultimately our time slot was sold out so she had to do an earlier time. Since Grand Turk was our final stop we decided we wanted something that all of us could do to end our trip with a bang. It took some convincing but eventually we agreed on an activity that had something for all of us, an adventure combo that included zip lining, driving buggys on the beach, horseback riding and snorkeling!

I won’t lie, zip lining was never on my bucket list of things to do before I die. It’s not because it didn’t seem fun or exciting, it just wasn’t on my radar. That being said my first experience definitely left me wanting to go again, which I ended up doing at Tree Runner with my mom when was in town but more on that another day. For this particular excursion we were on a short course that had 4 zip line elements. Before we started they ran us through a quick demo of how different clips on your harness worked, strapped you into a helmet, a harness and give you some gloves then sent you on your way. I will say dragging myself up the netting to get to the first platform was a bit of a workout but after that it was smooth sailing. While I thought denim cut offs and a crop top was the perfect outfit for this excursion, I strongly advise going for some longer denim or bicycle shorts at the very least. I honestly didn’t think about this beforehand but I was wearing a harness that has had other people’s butt and sweat on it so it would’ve been nice to have a layer between that and my skin. I also would say since there was so much time in the sun overall for this that I should have went with a strapless top or tank top so I wouldn’t have been worrying about getting a farmers time the whole time.

If you’re a frequenter to Lil Miss JB Style then you’ll know I’ve been in a buggy before when I was in Sedona with my mom. What I loved about this particular experience was that we got to ride right on the beach! Since I’d driven a buggy on some rough terrain before, I decided to let my sorority sister drive the whole time. What was nice was they had buggys for one or two so you could drive the whole time or if you do want to drive they stop halfway to allow people to switch. For me sitting back and enjoying the ride was the way to go. I just loved the smell of the ocean and wind on my skin. A warning though, you should bring scarf to cover your face because you will get covered in dust! Also consider a under water/waterproof pouch for your phone if you plan to take video or photos.
Of all the things on this excursion that I was most looking forward to, it was the horseback riding. Growing up I always went to summer camp and my favorite part was riding horses all week. That being said this was actually the biggest let down of our adventure. It was a fairly short ride and we didn’t get to ride close to the ocean. We walked across a parking lot, down a sandy hill then literally turned around and headed right back. I get that we were on a time crunch but I would’ve really loved to be able to ride on the beach as well as maybe even get a good trot or gallop session. Overall the horses were extremely friendly and seemed well taken care of and the staff was nice enough to take pictures as well as video with my phone for no extra charge.

The last part of our adventure was the snorkeling which is one of my favorite things to do so whenever I get the chance to snorkel I definitely take it! They took us to a reef not far from the beach and the water was such a beautiful deep blue. It was a little windy but once you got into the groove of breathing and kicking it was really relaxing. The only downside was that the reef was a little deeper so you couldn’t really get close to explore all the nooks and crannies but there were still tons of gorgeous fish to see. If you have your own mask and snorkel I’d recommend you bring them, they do provide some for you but sometimes that equipment can be hit or miss and nothing ruins snorkeling like a leaky mask or poorly angled snorkel.
If you’re looking for a great way to enjoy what Grand Turk has to offer then I’d wholeheartedly suggest the adventure combo. It’s relatively inexpensive, $145, for all the activities and they also include lunch and plenty of water!
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